SMART Strategy Workshop: Setting Goals for Personal & Professional Growth

15 11 2024
Welcome Point invites all international (non-Polish) Doctoral Students to
SMART Strategy Workshop: Setting Goals for Personal & Professional Growth
on 27th November (Wednesday), 9.30 am – 4.30 pm.Registration form: will you learn?
SMART Strategy Workshop: Setting Goals for Personal & Professional Growth
on 27th November (Wednesday), 9.30 am – 4.30 pm.Registration form: will you learn?
- Goal-Setting Strategies: Discover effective methods to set achievable goals
- Valuable Goal-Setting Tips: Gain insights into practical and beneficial tips for setting goals.
- Finding Motivation and Personalized Strategies: Explore ways to get motivated and identify the strategy that best suits your unique approach.
- Prioritize Wisely: Gain clarity in choosing priorities effectively.
The workshop is free of charge. Coffee break and lunch included.
All you have to do is to:
1. sign up,
2. accept UW and NAWA regulations,
3. come and participate in the event at the given time and place.More workshops are coming soon! Check for updates.
If you have any questions, please write to:
1. sign up,
2. accept UW and NAWA regulations,
3. come and participate in the event at the given time and place.More workshops are coming soon! Check for updates.
If you have any questions, please write to: