Invitation to classes at the Faculty of Economics:

05 03 2024
Invitation to classes at the Faculty of Economics:
“Lectures on Economics and Behavior: Theories and Policies”- a course by Professor Oded Stark
In the summer semester of 2024, a two-week course entitled “Lectures on Economics and Behavior: Theories and Policies” will be given at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw by Professor Oded Stark.
Format of the course: One week of lectures, to be followed by one week of supervised writing of rejoinders to / comments on recent / newly published articles.
Professor Stark is a Professor at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw. Professor Stark is Doctor honoris causa (University of Warsaw), a Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Poland) Lifetime Achievement Awardee, and a Presidential Professor of Economics (Poland). Professor Stark is a prolific researcher whose outstanding work has been published and cited in top economics journals. In the RePEc / IDEAS ranking of economics professors in Poland he is listed top (out of a field that is 740 strong): => Authors. As of February 2024, Professor Stark has 60 articles published / in press in internationally refereed outlets co-authored with Polish Ph.D. students / young Polish scholars.
The “Lectures on Economics and Behavior: Theories and Policies” course is intended for Ph.D. and advanced M.A. students, and is held in English. The participation requirements are well-developed mathematical skills and fluency in English. Passing the two-week intensive course is equivalent to gaining 30 hours of an elective course (International Economics students) or 30 hours of an “economics extension” (‘rozszerzenie ekonomii’) course (students of programs taught in Polish). For Quantitative Finance students, the course will be credited as an additional course. For Data Science students, the course will be credited as an elective course (economics or finance). For doctoral candidates, the course is qualified as “Specialisation classes offered by the particular disciplines” in accordance with 2019 study program.
The course will be held in an intensive manner during April 15, 2024 – April 26, 2024. The schedule of the course is displayed below.
Registration for the course can be done via e-mailing to: Przemysław Mroczkowski Registration for the course can be done until March 25, 2024.
“Lectures on Economics and Behavior: Theories and Policies”: Course schedule
April 15, 2024 – April 26, 2024
Duration of the course: Two weeks
1st week
15 hours |
3.00 pm – 4.45 pm |
3.00 pm – 4.45 pm |
no lecture |
3.00 pm – 4.45 pm |
3.00 pm – 4.45 pm
2nd week
Supervised writing of rejoinders to / comments on recent / newly published articles.