Former School authorities
Head of the Doctoral School of Social Sciences (2019-2020)
prof. dr hab. Paweł Swianiewicz – head of the Doctoral School of Social Sciences; professor of economics, Head of the Department of Local Development and Policy at the Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, University of Warsaw. Between 2005 and 2010 – President of the European Urban Research Association (EURA). Currently he is a member of the Steering Committee of the Standing Group on Local Government and Politics of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR). His teaching and research focus on local politics, local government finance and territorial administrative reforms. His empirical research concentrates on Poland, but also on comparative studies of decentralization and local autonomy in Central and Eastern Europe. First Head of the Doctoral School of Social Sciences (2019-2020). [LINK opens new tab]
Deputy Director (2022-2024)
fot. Katarzyna Dziewanowska
Anna Jupowicz-Ginalska, PhD with habil., Associate Professor
A long-standing employee of the Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies at the University of Warsaw (Poland). She specialises in media marketing/media management, media polarisation and the impact of new technologies on audiences. Author of almost 60 academic papers. An active participant of over 60 scientific conferences on an international and national scale. An experienced reviewer of academic texts. A member of the Editorial Board in the Journal of Media Business Studies, the Reviewers Board in Future Internet, Social Scienes and Sustainability and the member of Scientific Councils of the Dziennikarstwo i Media and Styles of Communication journals. Editor-in-Chief of the Komunikacja społeczna i media series. Member of organisations and associations: PTKS, PTEM, EUPRERA, IAMCR, ESTDIA and EMMA. Initiator and coordinator of research “FOMO. Poles and the anxiety of disconnection” (2018-2021). Winner of the “Golden Wings” award (2010) for the book “Media Marketing”. Experienced lecturer whose classes receive high marks from students year after year. A practitioner who has gained her professional skills in PR agencies, local government units, media (RMF FM) and as Dean’s Representative for Promotion.
Research interest: media marketing, new technologies and their impact on human life, FOMO and related phenomena, transmedia storytelling, AR, VR, media polarisation
More information: profile on the website of the Faculty of Journalism, Information and Bibliology