Cultural HotSpot UW

22 03 2024
Present your culture and co-create Cultural HotSpot UW!
The Biggest Multicultural Event at the University of Warsaw is Back!
The Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw, the Students’ Union of the University of Warsaw, Welcome Point and the Faculty of Oriental Studies would like to invite you to co-create the 4th edition of a very special event: MIASTECZKO NA STYKU KULTUR – CULTURAL HOTSPOT UW. The biggest multicultural event at our University and a great opportunity to bring different cultures together!
Cultural HotSpot will take place on 17th MAY (Friday) on UW’s main campus (26/28 Krakowskie Przedmieście Street).
If you want to present your country, teach us about its language and customs, the stage is yours! The way you want to show your culture is entirely up to you, all creative ideas are most welcome!
What do we expect from you?
To have an idea about what you would like to present. Don’t worry, the coordinators of the event will provide space for cultural stands and can help you with some of the supplies. What you need is enthusiasm and commitment – we are looking for people who want to be a part of a big, vibrant international community 🙂
To take part in the organisational meeting with the Cultural HotSpot Coordinators from the Volunteer Centre (VC). During the meeting at the VC (Dobra 56/66, University of Warsaw Library Building – BUW), you will be able to consult your ideas for the stand, obtain practical information about the event and ask any burning questions. The meeting will take place on 25th and 26th March at 5pm (you can choose one date)
To participate in a multicultural workshop on 23rd April (Tuesday) OR 24th April (Wednesday) OR 25th April (Thursday) from 5 to 7 pm during which you will meet other volunteers creating the Cultural HotSpot community. You can choose which date suits you best.
To be available on 17th May (from late morning till afternoon – the exact hours to be announced soon).
Please note that the Cultural HotSpot UW is primarily an university event during which we create a community of engaged students, PhD candidates and employees, thus both – the meeting with the Coordinators AND participation in the workshop are OBLIGATORY if you want to participate in the event.
If you are interested, first please FILL IN THIS VOLUNTEER FORM (check the box “Organising Miasteczko na Styku Kultur – Cultural HotSpot UW”).
If you have already filled in the form and participated in previous initiatives at the Volunteer Centre, please send an email to with the information that you want to take part in this event.
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: 22nd March (Friday) at noon! We accept only individual applications, one email – one person. If you are a group, each person should send a separate application.
Please note:
The number of participants presenting one culture is limited – 5 persons for one stand, so do not wait with your application until the last moment!
The event capacity is also limited, in case there are more cultures than space, priority is given to cultures that were not presented in the previous two editions of the Cultural HotSpot UW.
All students who will join the event and present their home culture will receive a UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW VOLUNTEER CERTIFICATE and a GIFT PACK.
If you’re still hesitant, SEE what the Cultural HotSpot looked like last year!
We hope to create a Miasteczko na Styku Kultur – Cultural HotSpot 2024 with you this year!